Understand your starting point, competence, and potential.
The operational requirements of delivering great CX are complex. Our audit tools help you get a handle on all the moving parts and what you need to focus on.

CX Essentials – Strategy
You’re already on your way! Every organisation is at a different level of client experience maturity. Our CX Essentials assessment framework is a great tool to help you understand your strengths and gaps across the foundation elements of CX strategy.
An evidence-based program CX Essentials helps organisations start or refine their CX strategy. The program assesses your capability across four key building blocks:
- CX Vision
- CX Operating model
- CX Structure
- CX Mindset

CX Discover – Operations
CX Discover is an independent evaluation of your organisation’s ability to deliver an outstanding client experience. Engaging with internal stakeholders across the business, we conduct an operational assessment of the six ‘Mesh Wheel’ focus areas. The program identifies gaps and process improvement opportunities and offers recommendations for building a responsive, adaptable and truly client-centric organisation.

CX Appraise – Service
CX Appraise assesses an organisation’s current client experiences through an investigation of their service channels and processes. Building on the concept of ‘secret shopper,’ CX Appraise is specifically designed for the service industry and organisations with complex service models.